Possible new DNA matches--New data, see #2 below

I previously thought the two families below appear to me to be the best potential matches with Beale 130, 701 & 702.
No male Beale heirs (that I could find) in #1 prevented DNA testing.
DNA testing confirms #2 male Beale is NOT related our family Beale 130, 701 & 702 (see #2 below)

1)- THOMAS BEALE 1639-1713

Here is my understanding of this Beale family tree:

1)- Thomas Beale (1639-1713), mar Elizabeth Lee, dau of Robert Lee of Waterford, England. They lived St Mary's Co, MD.
Thomas & Eliz. had following 2 children:
2)- Dau Elizabeth Beale b 1678 mar Rev Henry Jennings, William & Mary Parish, St Mary's Co.
2)- Son John Beale (1685-1734), mar Elizabeth Norwood. They lived Anne Arundel Co.
John & Eliz. had following 3 children:
3)- Dau Anne Beale born 1713
3)- Son Thomas Beale (1714-1717)
3)- Dau Elizabeth Beale born 1711, mar 1st William Nicholson, mar 2nd Richard Dorsey
Eliz. & Wm Nicholson had one child:
4)- Beale Nicholson
Eliz. and Richard Dorsey had 5 children:
4)- son Caleb Dorsey
4)- dau Eleanor born 1740
4)- dau Eliz.
4)- dau Mary
4)- dau Anne

Question---Was Thomas Beale (1700-1777) a son of Thomas & Elizabeth Beale????
Possibly this Thomas was born earlier than 1700??
Problem---If my data is correct, there is no male Beale alive to do a DNA sample.

Here is data from Rev. Day's disc--

B-ARUNDEL-1 Major Thomas Beale, b. G1639, well bef 1665. Possibly same Thomas Bell with wife Elizabeth who immig. in 1659 (Skordas:35, LOA 5:485) since this family settled in Anne Arundel Co, intermarrying with Dorseys, Howards, etc--see slave account, below. Or possibly Immig ca 1667 as indentured servent from Exon or Topsham, England. Skordas:31 lists Thomas Beale of St. Mary's Co, who received a warrant for service in 1672 (17:57). Lived St. Mary's County. Religion. From the presence of a Catholic priest, who performed a marriage [1710] of two slaves, below, it may be inferred that Thomas Beale was Roman Catholic. However, services on the vestry of William and Mary Parish in the late 1600's suggests at least nominal adherance to the Church of England. Other Thomas Bealls. Do not confuse with B-ANDREW-1/1631 Thomas Beall who owned Loving Acquaintance, since that Thomas Beall was Presbyterian. Marriage. According to will (28 Dec 1687-4 Jan 1686/1687) of Robert Lee of St. Mary's County, m. bef 1686 (since there was a son at the time of the will) Elizabeth Lee, b. bef 1668, daughter of Robert and granddaughter of Michael and Christian Lee of Waterford, England. If Thomas was b. G1639, then was as old as 47 and well established at time of marriage, which could have taken place earlier. Father-in-law's Will and Estate. Robert Lee's will conveys property to Henry Darnall, Col. Diggs, Maj. Nicholas & Eliza Sewall, Mrs. Eliza Baker, Heath Beale, Thomas Grunwin, John Powell, Mrs. Van Sweringen, Maria Van Sweringen, Francis Pennington, Mrs. Ellinor Brookes and sister Mary Darnall. Personalty to Henry Darnall, Jr; to father and mother Michael and Christian Lee of Waterford, England. To John Beall, Jr, son of Thomas Beall, and heirs, 200 a Low's Gift in Dorchester, Co. Executor, Henry Darnall. (Maryland Calendar of Wills, 4:280)

On 7 Jan 1686/7 Robert Lee's inventory, St. Mary's Co, came to ,54.16.5. Appraisers were Garratt Vansweringen and Thomas Beal.

Debts were owed to Michall Taney, Robert Carvile, Col. Diggs, Anthony Underwood for note on Michael Taney, Thomas Marshall, George Sulivan, John Kock, George Coome, Gilbert Clark, John Skreech, John Harris, Samson Stoddart. (Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland. 1685-1701 Libers 9,10,101C, 11A, 11B Volume 3 Compiled by V.L. Skinner. Published by Family Line Publications. Copied by Robert Berenger) A Slave Suit. A lawsuit brought by slaves represented by William Cumming, attorney, in Anne Arundel Co. (17 June 1743, pp 11-12, Court Slave Records of Anne Arundel Co) for slaves' freedom in 1743 gives information about slaves and servants of Thomas Beale. The suit mentions Mary Molloyd, b. G1664, a servant from Ireland, who following transport to Maryland G1684, served a portion of her servitude (normally 7 years) in St. Mary's County with Madam Vansweringen (apparently still living in 1743) and the balance with Thomas Beale, since deceased. By Peter, an East India Indian who lived with Lord Baltimore in the City of St. Mary's, she had a daughter Mary, b. NLT 1690. [Mary Molloyd is not mentioned by Skordas among those who received 50 a after completion of their servitude, and it may be she forfeited this entitlement due to her involvement with Peter.] Mary was apparently treated as a slave ("unjustly detained") by "John Beale of Ann Arundel County, Gentleman, son of the aforesaid Thomas Beale." By Richard Fisher, a Negro slave, Mary had a number of children, the petitioners. In a separate document (Liber IB No 4, 1743, p. 83), Ann Fisher deposes that her mother Mary "was lawfully married [G1710] by a priest of the Romish Church, one Mr. Robert Brooke, to a negro man named Dick, a slave then belonging to Mr. Thomas Beale of Saint Mary's County". This document also states that Mary Fisher "became a free Molato after serving some time to Major Beale of Saint Mary's County afsd. and after his decease came to John Beale, Esq., of this county where she now lives. In the first document, the petitioners claim that since their mother was the issue of a white woman, they are not to be kept as slaves:

* Ann Fisher, b. ca 1711 (aged about 32 in 1743), kept as slave by Thomas Gassaway, Baltimore Co, Gentleman

* Robert Fisher, kept as slave by Thomas Jennings of Anne Arundel County, Gentleman

* James Fisher, kept as slave by John Dorsey, son of Caleb Dorsey of Ann Arundel County, Gentleman

* Richard Fisher, kept as slave by Richard Dorsey of Anne Arundel County, Gentleman

* Mary Fisher, kept as slave by Richard Warfield Junr. of Anne Arundel County, Gentleman

* Frances Fisher, kept as slave by Colonell Henry Ridgely of Anne Arundel County

* Edward Fisher, kept as slave by Philip Hammond of Anne Arundel County

* Charles Fisher, kept as slave by Elizabeth Beale of Anne Arundel County, widow

The petition was rejected by the court and appealed to the Provincial Court at its next session. Note that Mary Molloyd owed service to a Mrs. Vansweringen, and a Mrs. Vansweringen was mentioned in Robert Lee's will. Occupations and Offices. 1672 planter; 1680's innkeeper & merchant. Elected to Lower House, St. Mary's County, 1697-1707; Alderman, St. Mary's City 1689, 1694; William & Mary Parish vestry, St. Mary's County, 1693-1696; Justice, St. Mary's County, 1694-1713. Captain, 1704, Major, 1706. Gentleman, 1713 Deaths. Thomas Beale's will prob. May 25, 1713; personal property ,344 including 9 slaves. An Elizabeth Beale, widow, is living at time of the 1743 suit, but this may be Thomas' daughter, not wife. Children:

1. Elizabeth, b. G1678 (+)

2. John, b. G1680 (+)

B-ARUNDEL-11 Elizabeth Beale, b. G1678 of Thomas [G1639], m. Rev. Henry Jennings, rector of William and Mary Parish in St.Mary's County 1706-1714. Widowed, living in Anne Arundel Co and owner of Charles Fisher, slave, at time of 1743 slave suit.

B-ARUNDEL-12 John Beale, b. G1680 (bef 1687--Robert Lee's will) of Anne Arundel Co, Gentleman, son of Thomas Beale [bef 1665] of St. Mary's County. "of age in 1707, probabaly only son...probably second generation..resided in Annapolis and on his plantation Norwood's Beale in Anne Arundel Co... Marriage. Aug 19 1708 (Barnes:11/St. Ann's Parish:378) m. Elizabeth Norwood (1688-1753), daughter of Andrew Norwood of Anne Arundel Co & wife Elizabeth Howard. Elizabeth had brother Andrew. Caution: Some sources have Elizabeth Norwood married instead to B-NIN-3 John Beall of Ninian. Social Status. On 12 June 1716 paid the 30 shilling fine imposed on Sue, a Free Negroe, for having a bastard child fathered by Molato Emblin, belonging to Mr. Ingram. (Court Slave Records of Anne Arundel Co, p. 295). It may be assumed John Beale obtained some period of servitude from Sue by paying this fine. Mr by 1717; Gent by 1719; Esq, by 1727. Planter, Officeholder. First elected to Lower house, Annapolis, 1718. Clerk, Anne Arundel Co, 1711-1734; alderman, Annapolis, 1714-at least 1726; Real Estate: 29 Oct 1708 or 1710 Received grant for 1/2 of St. Albans in Baltimore County in right of his wife Elizabeth as co-heir of Alexander Norwood. (FCB:19) Land at first election, 640 a. Anne Arundel Co, plus 1 lot in Annapolis; acquired additional 1138 acres in Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties. 1743 Slave Suit (see discussion under John's father Thomas). Slave Suit asserts that Mary Fisher was treated as a slave ("unjustly detained") by "John Beale of Ann Arundel County, Gentleman, son of the aforesaid Thomas Beale." Mary Fisher's eight children were subsequently, and before 1743, sold to various prominent Anne Arunde fammilies and to John's sister Elizabeth.

1. Elizabeth (1711-?) m. (1) 1729 William Nicholson, merchant; (2) Richard Dorsey

2. Thomas (1714-1717)

3. Ann (1716-?) m. Thomas Rutland

Lynell--11/3/08--white book--
Here is the site which mentions John Beale's (1685-1734) crest in Annapolis
It says John Beale son of Thomas Beale of St Mary's--
bought properties Annapolis---
"His coat of arms may be seen upon his original will, in 1734"

Lynell 6--white book--10/3/08
This is RootsWeb's data on John Beale (1685-1734)
John Beale, Esq.14.69 A AA £505.10.6 £770.5.3 Dec 6 1735
A second inventory is cited in the amount of £15.5.6.
Payments to: Richard Bennett, Esq.,

Evan's email 3/16/09--DNA4
(Background--George Beale worked for a group of wealthy Catholics on st Croix, one of which was Nicholas Tuite.
The Tuite family was also in Maryland (James Tuite). We note James Tuite helped manage the business of wealthy Catholic merchant Richard Bennett). We observe John Beale also had dealings with Richard Bennett. Did John Beale know James Tuite through the dealings both had with Bennett?
Here is data on Bennett:
Here is Richard Bennett's 1749 will (Queen Anns County) which mentions James Tuite. Bennett states "my interest in the trade managed by s Tuite."-- see next:

NEXT STEP---Try to get a copy of the Beale family crest on John Beale's 1734 will. Compare to other Beale crests.


DNA data from a descendant of this family (136) does NOT match our Beale family (130, 701 & 702). Beale 136 descends from John Beal b 1588 from Hingham, England and Hingham, MA. Benjamin Beal from Southampton Co, VA is also related to these Hingham Beals.

Here is my understanding of this Beale family tree:

1)- Unknown Beale mar Jane, who died 1733 in St Mary's Co, MD
They had 4 children:
2)- John (1713-1792),mar 1735 Mary Magdalene Hackett (1766-1802)
They had 3 children:
3)- William (1735-1804?)
He had two children:
4)- Mathias
4)- Josias
3)- Joseph (1740-1817?)
He had two children:
4)- Josiah b. 1759
4)- William b. 1770, mar. Susanna Heard. They lived St Marys, he owned schooner Revolution.
They had one child:
5)- George Beale (1808-1854), mar. 1841 Mary Bennett Hall
3)- Nancy Ann b. 1744, mar George Smoot
They had one child:
4)- Willam Read Smoot
2)- Thomas b. June 4, 1717, d. Jan 24, 1786. Mar. Mary Griggs
They had two children:
3)- Sarah
3)- Ann
2)- Mary b. 1719
2)- William b. Dec 12, 1721

Question---Was Thomas Beale (1700-1777) the brother of Jane's unknown Beale husband ????

Here is data from Rev. Day's disc--

B-STMARYS-1 Unknown Beale, b. G1690. In G1711 m. Jane _____, who d. 1733. Warning -- FMMB turns this will into the will of a John Beall. Will Will dated Apr 20 1733 - May 23 1733 (Annapolis 2O:661). "Jane Beale, widow of ______. Will of Jane Beale of St. Mary's County, Liber T.A. No. 1, p. 4, April 20, 1733. Pr. May 21, 1733. Will recorded at Annapolis, Liber 20, p. 661, same date. "To three sons, John, Thomas and William, residue of personal estate. Thomas and William I leave to the care of Thomas Griffin until (unclear; 18 or 21) years of age, Thomas being 16 the 4th of this June and my son William 12 the 25th of December next. Daughter Mary Beale. Thomas Griffin, Excr. Witnesses: William Johnson and John Langley. Her inventory, Liber 17, p. 337 Appraisers: Thomas Payne and John Cuffey. Creditors, Sarah Jones and Matthew Canady. Kin, Ann Bayle and Will Morgan. Inventory. Her inventory Liber 17, folio 337; appraisers: Thomas Payne & John Cuffey; Creditors, Sarah Jones & Matthew Canady; Kin, Ann Bayle & Will Morgan. Maiden name or husband of Jane not known. Inferences from Documents. It is possible, though I do not give it as a final solution, without further investigation, that this Jane was the widow of Anthony Griffin and later the wife an an un-named son of John, who died 1734 and left his entire estate to his wife Elizabeth, "not doubting her tenderness to her child(r)en un-named would c(a)use her to make a fair distribution." We find Edmund Jennings and Vachel Denton witnesses to this will. Jane Beale leaves her children to the care of Thomas Griffin whom she names as executor.

(Frances Beal Smith Hodges, Genealogy of the Beale Family 1399-1956, pages 175-181, cited in Beall News, p. 100-101.) Current contact: Laura Irvin, laurairvinusa@netscape.net, Nov 1999.

1. John, b. ca 1713-1715 (+)

2. Thomas, b. June 4, 1717 (+)

3. Mary, b. G1719

4. William, b. Dec 12, 1721 (+)

B-STMARYS-1 John Beale, b. ca 1713-1715 of Jane and Unknown Beale [G1690]. Beall News, p. 100-101. Laura Irvin web site http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7590/Beall.htm now says b. bef. 1712, d. Aug 7, 1792. Marriage m (2) Mary Magdalen, b. St. Mary's County Dec 10, 1766 dau of Randolph Hacket & wife Mary, d. 1802/3 in St. Mary's County, Maryland. Will. Will May 1 1792 - Aug 7 1792 (St. Mary's County Wills, JJ#2:40). The following is transcribed from a photocopy of the original filed at St. Mary's County, Maryland courthouse:

In the name of God amen.

his last will.

I John Beall of Saint Mary's County in the State of Maryland being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect memory Thanks be to god for it do order this writing to be my last will and Testament revoking all others..first I give my body to the dust to be buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named by me..Item. I give and bequeath unto my grand Children John Smoot and Georg Smoot the tract of land I have in Culpepper County in Virginia to be

divided between them and have formerly ordered it to them and their heirs forever and my will is that my daughter Ann Smoot shall have the use the said land induring her life or ..... and my will is that John Smoot shall have one negro woman named Vine to him and his heirs and that George Smoot shall have one negro boy named Georg to him and his heirs and both of them part of my estate not willed. Item. I give and bequeath unto my grand Daughter Sarah

Smoot a (woman?) negro gall named Catharin to her and her heirs forever and a part of my estate not willed...Item. I give and bequeath unto my grand sun Josiah Beall the plantation where I now live to him and his heirs forever and my will is that Josiah Beall shall have my wearing apparrell bridle and saddle and Josiah Beall should die without lawfull heirs of his body my land given him shall fall to William Beall and an equall part of my estate not willed. Item. I give and bequeath unto Wiliam Beall that Land I bought of Joseph Arthis to him and his heirs forever and if William

Beall shall die without lawfull heirs of his body the Land given him shall fall to Josiah Beall and my will is that Josiah

Beall shall have liberty of Timber for building fencing and firewood for the use of his land and use of his land and use

of the fresh pond for water for the use of his creters and William Beall should sell no Timber of the said Land and my will is he shall have one negro gall named Stace and a part of my estate not willed and if Josiah Beall and William Beall should boath of them die without lawfull heirs of their bodys the land given them shall fall unto William Reed Smoot and the heirs of his body. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Beall one shilling sterlling and that to be his full part of my estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Magdelean Beall one negro

man named Tom and one negro woman named Jean and one negro gall named Chisley and one negro boy named Alex and one negro woman named Sarah and one negro boy named Jeremiah and one best feather Bed and furniture and Chois of my stock of Horses and one yoak of Stears and (?) and Chois of two Cows and Calves and Chois of

(Tor?) hed of sheep and my will is that my wife shall have the use of Josiah Beales and William Beales land induring her life or widowhood and the use of all my Estate till my debts is paid and a part and a part of my estate not willed. Item. I give and bequeath unto my grand Daughter Sarah Beall one negro gall named Monica to her and her heirs forever and a part of my estate not willed. Item. I give and bequeath unto my grand son William Read Smoot one

negro lad named Charles and one negro gall named Bett to him and his heirs forever and a part of my estate not willed. Item. I constitute and appoint my well beloved wife Mary Magdelean Beall to be my hole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seall this first day of May 1792.

In the presence of us under written John (///) Beall

In.. Horn Abell, Richard Fenwick, Robert Hendley

On the back of the aforegoing was as follows, to wit.___ Saint Mary's County (Court?) the 7th day of August, 1792. Then came Mary Magdalin Beall and made oath of the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing instrument of writing is the ? and whole will and testament of John Beall, late of Saint Mary's County, deceased, that hath come to her hand or possession and that she doth not

know of any other certified her.

Jeremiah Jordan,

Regr. Wills for Saint Mary's County

Source: Laura Irvin, laurairvinusa@netscape.net, Nov 1999.

1. William, b. abt 1735 (+)

2. Joseph, b. b. St. Mary's Co abt 1740 (+)

3. Nancy Anne, b. St. Mary's Co 1744 (+) m. George Smoot, b. St. Mary's Co abt 1742, d. bef 1778. Ancestor of James Jenson, 8624 Diamond Crest, Elk Grove, California 95624. (+)

B-STMARYS-2 Thomas Beale, b. Jun 4, 1717 of Unknown Beale [G1690] and Jane. d. 1786. St. Mary's County family. Beall News, p. 100-101. Contact: Laura Irvin, setup@flash.net, June 1999.

1. Sarah

2. Ann

B-STMARYS-14 William Beale, b. Dec 12, 1721 (date from mother's will) of Unknown Beale [G1690] and Jane. St. Mary's County family. (Beall News: 100-101). Contact: Laura Irvin, laurairvinusa@netscape.net, Nov 1999. Laura's web page, http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7590/Beall.htm shows William's birthdate as December 25, 1722. Possibility that this William Beale is the same as B-WILLSIMP William Beall, b. G1720 of Long Lookt For.

B-STMARYS-11 William Beale b. abt 1735 of John [1713], d. aft 1804. m. 1st Unknown - William and his first wife had 2 sons and 4 daughters according to 1790 census. Contact: Laura Irvin, setup@flash.net, June 1999.

1. Mathias

2. Josias

B-STMARYS-12. Joseph Beale, b. G1740 of John [1713], d. 1804 in St. Mary's County, Maryland. Was left 1 shilling in will of father. Bought land, Culpeper Co, VA, 1765; bur. Apr 3, 1804. (Beall News 100-101) Contact: Laura Irvin, setup@flash.net, June 1999.

1. Josiah, b. G1759 m. Dec 14, 1780 Mary Holton

2. Sarah

3. Catherine, b. G1762 m. Dec 14, 1780 Wm Holton & had Wm Holton Jr

4. William, b. G1770 (+)

5. Ann, b. G1775, m Jan 13, 1801 James Handley & had Mary Magdalen Hendley

B-STMARYS-13. Nancy Ann Beale, b. 1744 in St. Mary's County of John [1713] and Mary Magdalene Hacket; 1755 in St.Mary's County m. George Smoot, b. SMC 1742, d. bef 1778. Children Ann, Mary, William Read, Sarah, George, John. Ancestor of (1) James Jenson, 8624 Diamond Crest, Elk Grove, California 95624 (2) Laura Irvin, setup@flash.net, June 1999. Further detail in Beall News, 100-101.

Neamiah Beall, b. G1743 m. Catherine

Catherine, bapt Jun 16, 1765 (SJPR:358)

Richard Beall, B. G1743 m. Rebecca

Richard, bapt Aug 18, 1765 (SJPR:359)

Tabitha Beall, b. 1744, age 32, and husband John Beall of M, b. 1734, age 42, in St. John's & Prince George's Parishes, PGC, near James Beall of M, Mareen Beale, and Thomas Beall, Census of 1776 (Brumbaugh I:52)

B-STMARYS-124. William Beale, b. G1770 of Joseph [G1740], d. Apr 8 1817; m. Apr 8 1795 Suanna Heard. lived St. Mary's Co. Owned schooner called "Resolution." Last and final account of William Beal filed 1834 upon death of wife. Each child to receive 1/7 share. (Beall News:100-101)

1. Josiah Beall, b. G1796

2. Margaret Beall, b. G1798 m. Dec 27 1823 George Biscoe

3. Marie Beall, b. G1800 m. 1827 John Wherret

4. Alexander L Beal1, b. 1806, m. Apr 20, 1830 Elinor Milburn. Issue: (1) Alexander Beale, CSA, m. Lucy Dunbarr and had chil living in Leonardtown, MD. (2) John Beale m. Sarah Welch (3) Henry W, died unm. (4) Chas. B. Beale of Baltimore, MD, m. Sallie Forrest; (5) William Beale m. Myrtle Tucker; (6) dau. m. Lewis & had 9 ch.

5. George Beall, b. 1808, d. 1854, m (1) . Feb 3, 1841 Mary Bennett Hall. m (2) Nov 4, 1844 Jane Flower; Had (1) Philomena, (2) Robt (3) Thomas W. (4) John W.

6. Henry W. Beall, b. G1806

DNA4--evan's email 3/18/09
Assessment of 1783--Queen Anne's County

Maryland State Archives
(Assessment of 1783, Index)
Queen Anne's County
MSA S 1437
Robert Tuite. Youngs Chance, pt, 180 acres. QA Tuckahoe District p. 40. MSA S1161-8-11. 1/4/5/51
(Robert Tuite son of James Tuite who managed Richard Bennett's trade)

John Beal. Toms Fancy Enlarged, 150 acres. QA Corsica District p. 45. MSA S1161-8-9. 1/4/5/51
(this may be John Beale 1712-1792)

Joseph Beale. QA Tuckahoe District p. 27. MSA S1161-8-11. 1/4/5/51
(this may be Joseph Beale 1740-1804)

Thomas Willson. Bennetts Outlet, 500 acres. QA Corsica District p. 61. MSA S1161-8-9. 1/4/5/51
(Thos Bennett Willson appeared on James Tuites 1780 will)

Richard Bennett. Lloyd. Welton, 650 acres. QA Tuckahoe District p. 35. MSA S1161-8-11. 1/4/5/51
(this is a relative of Richard Bennett, Queen Anne's County who died 1749)

Evan's email 3/16/09--DNA4
(Background--George Beale worked for a group of wealthy Catholics on st Croix, one of which was Nicholas Tuite.
The Tuite family was also in Maryland (James Tuite). We note James Tuite helped manage the business of wealthy Catholic merchant Richard Bennett). We observe John Beale and Joseph Beale were neighbors of Richard Bennett and Tuite. Did John & Joseph Beale know Catholics James Tuite and Richard Bennett?
Here is data on Bennett:
Here is Richard Bennett's 1749 will (Queen Anns County) which mentions James Tuite. Bennett states "my interest in the trade managed by s Tuite."-- see next: